What do the abbreviations in the hire log mean?
Post date: 28-Nov-2024 14:49:31
The format of the abbreviations are Zx where Z is any of:
D - Distance counted by the distance counter (= running distance)
T - Time counted by the time counter (= running time)
C - Chargeable distance/time (whole units of distance/time charged - this doesn't include the current unit's fraction)
H - Overall distance/time while hired (from HIRED until the meter is FOR HIRE again) (= hire distance/time)
and x is the unit of measure and is any of:
y - yards
m - meters
s - seconds
M - miles
K - kilometers
h - hours:minutes:seconds
x depends on whether the tariff is imperial/metric and whether you have enabled Menu > Settings > Interface settings > Format totals as hours, miles or kilometers.